Income Tax InformationPlease note that our library staff are not income tax professionals, and are limited in the services we can provide while helping you with your income tax and other financial information.
For more advanced services than printing out forms, etc. please consult an income tax professional. The cost of printing at our libraries is $0.20 per page. |
The Federal Income Tax forms have arrived at the Screven County Library.
The State of Georgia is no longer providing printed tax forms.
The library is able to print copies for patrons for $0.20 per page..
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)The Accounting Students at the Parker College of Business (part of Georgia Southern University) are volunteering to help community members to do their taxes! This program is aimed at taxpayers who earn less than $68,000, and all volunteers are IRS VITA certified. For more information regarding when and where to receive assistance, please follow the link above.